In Karnataka, a class 3 student was brutally beaten with firewood, tortured, and locked up at the Ramakrishna Ashram by the in-charge, Venugopal, and his aides in Raichur for allegedly stealing a pen, his family said on Sunday.
Police registered a case against the accused. He was locked up in a room at the ashram for three days.
The boy, identified as Tarun Kumar, narrated the complete incident. He said a teacher, along with two older boys, hit him with firewood. After the firewood was broken, they used a bat, which left bruises on his body.
“…they took me to Yagdir to beg for alms at the railway station, but I didn’t receive any money. I was beaten up all because of this one pen,” he said as quoted by India Today.
The boy suffered multiple injuries, including swollen eyes, and is currently hospitalized for treatment. His family explained that he was staying at the ashram due to financial difficulties.
While playing, classmates accused him of stealing a pen and reported it to the authorities, who then beat him, they said. The incident came to light when Tarun’s mother visited the Ramakrishna Ashram, and his elder son, Arun Kumar, told her about the attack.
She further refused the allegation that Tarun had stolen a pen, saying he just picked up the fallen pen. On Saturday, another boy gave the teacher’s pen to Tarun because he didn’t have any, his mother said, adding that the whole incident took place when the teacher found the pen with him on Sunday.
The mother claimed that if her child wasn’t disciplined for “stealing the pen,” he would likely become a thief in the future. “The teacher tortured my son so badly that…. two belts, blindfolded him, and tied his hands. The teacher also caused cuts on his legs and hands and beat him until midnight,” the mother said as quoted by India Today.
Sudarshan, a child rights activist, stated that the boy has been rescued and the issue has been brought to the attention of the government authorities at the Women and Child Welfare Ministry. He added that an FIR has been filed against those responsible.
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