Urbana elementary school welcomes back students in a unique way

URBANA, Ill. (WCIA) — Dr. Williams Elementary in Urbana will welcome back students to the classroom next week. Before pencils hit paper, school faculty wanted to find a unique way to deliver important information.

Seventy-five volunteers from the community walked goodie bags throughout the nearby neighborhoods to welcome students and their parents back to school. One official told me this was the first time the school has done an outreach like this.

“So this is our first initiative to kind of go out and welcome the community into the school,” said Urbana Superintendent Jennifer Ivory-Tatum.

As summer runs out, Dr. Williams Elementary in Urbana is helping students return to school with the information and resources they need. Volunteers throughout the community delivered 300 of the orange bags to homes in the area with elementary students.

Ivory-Tatum said they were meant for students and their parents.

“We have lots of information around resources in the school district, how people can tap into things that they need,” Ivory-Tatum said. “We have some Play-Doh, markers, crayons, paper, things like that for the students.”

She said they want to welcome families back to school with open arms.

“We want to show the neighborhood that we’re excited that they’re here and that we’re here for them and that we’re here for whatever they need,” Ivory-Tatum added. “And it means a lot for them to see their public officials, their administrators, police officers. Our SRO is going to be here to greet the students so they know we’re one big family and we’re here for them.”

Also passing out bags was Principal Danielle Jackson.

“We feel like just welcoming them with a warm smile, some reminders, some important things will have them know we’re excited about soon,” Jackson said. “We’re ready to welcome them back into the building.”

School officials say they’ll be hosting a “Welcome Back Night” this Tuesday. The event will be hosted at the school and will include a block party, food and inflatables.

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