As Ukraine Presses an Advance Into Russia, Its Goals Remain Unclear
Despite quick gains in the western Russian region of Kursk, analysts question whether Ukraine can …
Despite quick gains in the western Russian region of Kursk, analysts question whether Ukraine can …
Seit Dienstag stoßen ukrainische Truppen bei Kursk auf russischen Boden vor. Nun äußert sich Präsi…
As the war enters its 896th day, these are the main developments. Here is the situation on Friday,…
The local government in Russia declared a state of emergency as military analysts reported that Uk…
8 The one very significant exception to this focus on Donetsk is a new front opened around Vovchan…
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Ukraine of a “major provocation” after Moscow said it…
As the war enters its 895th day, these are the main developments. Here is the situation on Thursda…
The White House was contacting Ukraine to learn the “objectives” of a major incursion across the b…
Ukraine is seeking support from the Global South, but several West African states are ditching Wes…
Listen to Russian officials these days, and you’re liable to hear a decidedly triumphant tone. Tha…
From Philly and the Pa. suburbs to South Jersey and Delaware, what would you like WHYY News to cov…
As the war enters its 894th day, these are the main developments. Here is the situation on Wednesd…
Photos have been released purportedly showing the devastation caused after Ukrainian forces struck…
As the war enters its 893rd day, these are the main developments. Here is the situation on Tuesday…
Offenbar gab es starke Explosionen im Osten der ukrainischen Hauptstadt. Bürgermeister Vitali Klit…
“Das ist ein äußerst wichtiger Beitrag zur Unterstützung des Staatshaushalts der Ukraine in der Ze…
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to descend into attritional warfare, some experts bel…
Grund sei die Beteiligung eines ukrainischen Beamten an einer schweren Niederlage der malischen Ar…
Move follows Kyiv’s official’s comments on attacks late last month targeting Malian soldiers and m…
As thw war enters its 892nd day, these are the main developments. Here is the situation on Monday,…