CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WCIA) — Today was the grand opening of the kitty crib cafe. Moore’s invited people to come in, play with their cats, and grab snacks all for free.
This is Champaign County’s first cat cafe, a place where people can relax and enjoy time with cats.
Going forward it will charge seven dollars and five for students.
Once you’re in you can enjoy coffee, hot chocolate, or snacks for no additional charge.
The goal is to take the funds and build a second building where people with disabilities can volunteer, something president Kim Dalluge has seen work firsthand.
“My son is on the autism spectrum, and we’ve had a lot of struggles over the last 30 years,” said Dalluge. “I’ve watched him grow and mature around animals. I also know that when you have disabilities, you’re not really welcome in a lot of places to volunteer.”
The cafe already has those with sensory difficulties in mind. It will be kept at low lighting to make sure everyone has the opportunity to enjoy.
They’re looking to raise 200,000 dollars for the second building.
You can support Moore’s Rescue Ranch by going to the cafe, buying merchandise, or visiting Moore’s Rescue Ranch – Moore’s Rescue Ranch for handicapped dogs and cats.
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